Extended School Year Program
Middle School ESY:
A six-week academic enrichment program for Middle School students, ages 9 - 13, who may otherwise lose ground during the summer.
Our State approved summer extended year program begins July 7th, and ends August 15th, 2025. The hours of the program are: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
During our six-week session we will continue our academic program in the areas of math, science, literacy and history with an over arching co-curricular theme of developing study and social skills.
Students will attend weekly field trips as part of the summer curriculum.
Students will also explore and have fun on our campus by swimming, biking, hiking, frogging, archery, music and art.
During our six-week session we will continue our academic program in the areas of math, science, literacy and history with an over arching co-curricular theme of developing study and social skills.
Students will attend weekly field trips as part of the summer curriculum.
Students will also explore and have fun on our campus by swimming, biking, hiking, frogging, archery, music and art.
Dates: July 7 - August 15, 2025 (Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.)
Application Process
Please click here for the ESY student application.
Application and USDA Forms required for all ESY participants.
Students not currently attending Collier will also need to submit the following:
- Current Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Educational Evaluation
- Social History
- Psychological/Psychiatric Assessment
- Medical Forms (3)
For more information, please contact 732-946-4771 x218